Well first of all this website is new. After working hard we can finally launch this site. I hope you enjoy reading it, there will be messages and pictures on here to check. So tell your friends and family about it.

Posted June 7, 2008 By steve

Team name

  • 本球隊需要一個響亮又好聽的隊名.目前我們稱自己為[台北聯女子足球隊].但我們還是歡迎各位的建議.如果大家有甚麼好點子,請寄信或傳訊息給美樂妮或是小琪.每一個名字都有可能被採用,我們將會在這裏進行投票決定.
    Our team needs a name, right now we call it Taipei United, but we are open for any other suggestions. You can mail or sms it to Carrie or Melanie.
    Every name will be published on the website and then everybody can vote. The one with the most votes wins. Easy as that!

  • 隊名必須要中文和英文都能讓大家一目了然.(只有中文也沒有關係,我們會幫忙翻譯).The name has to be able to be shown in English and Chinese (if you do not know how to translate it, we will do it).

  • 隊名最好是能朗朗上口.像是加油的口號.所以太長的隊名就不適合了.但也可以是某個東西的第一個字母.The name has to be easy to pronounce, for example to cheer for us. So too long is not suitable. But it can also be the first letters or anything like that.