Well first of all this website is new. After working hard we can finally launch this site. I hope you enjoy reading it, there will be messages and pictures on here to check. So tell your friends and family about it.

Posted June 8, 2008 By steve

April 19th

  • 從四月19日起,我們從兩點開始練習.請大家準時到球場, 這樣我們才能有足夠的時間練習,謝謝.We will start practice at 14.00 (2pm) from now on. Please be on time so we have some good quality time to practice

  • 由於這項活動目前並無任何廠商或者人士贊助,所以我們必須請各位支持這項運動.並且讓大家有足夠的資金可以購買各種所需要的物資以及消耗品.請大家將100圓交給小琪或是美樂妮.如果需要收據的話,請預先告知,謝謝各位的配合!Please give 100 NT dollars to Melanie, from this money she will buy some new balls and other equipment. Thank you