Well first of all this website is new. After working hard we can finally launch this site. I hope you enjoy reading it, there will be messages and pictures on here to check. So tell your friends and family about it.

Posted July 10, 2008 By steve


由於天氣炎熱, 每週六下午4點開始練習,地點在百齡球場,請大家不要遲到!



Due to hot weather, we start practicing later than before: Saturday 4pm at Bailin

Because of summer vacation, many people couldn’t make it on Wednesday nights. And good pitch hasn’t been found yet. So I think it's the best way that we wait until NTUE starts a new semester and we can use its field. Please notice that we still practice on Saturday. We only make a pause on the practice on Wednesdays.

Check our schedule to see where and when we practice.